of Applied Computer Science
and Modelling

27 February 2017

“Modeling Steel Deformation in the Semi-Solid State” – new book of Marcin Hojny

Marcin Hojny is the author of new monograph, published by Springer. It is great success! Congratulations! If you are interested in this book – you can find more information here: Below short abstract of the book:   This monograph presents selected aspects related to the broadly understood modelling of steel deformation both at veryRead more about “Modeling Steel Deformation in the Semi-Solid State” – new book of Marcin Hojny[…]

27 February 2017

“Creative” in Karpacz

At 07-09.04.2017 a scientific trip to Karpacz took place. The trip was combined with a visit to the forge company in Jawor. During the trip a scientific session was organized. The science included sixteen student presentation and two from outside companies – Yooniq Solutions and Wingu. The results of the session are as follow: 1stRead more about “Creative” in Karpacz[…]

8 February 2017

Stopień doktora habilitowanego dla Zbigniewa Mitury

W dniu 30 stycznia 2017 Rada Naukowa Wydziału Inzynierii Metali i Informatyki Przemysłowej nadała stopień doktora habilitowanego w dyscyplinie inzynieria materiałowa dla dra inż. Zbigniewa Mitury. Panie Zbyszku, gratulujemy sukcesu i życzymy wielu nowych osiągnięć naukowych oraz satysfakcji z dalszej pracy w naszej Katedrze.