We are proud to announce that Professor Maciej Pietrzyk was honored with the Olgierd Cecil Zienkiewicz Medal. The medal edited by Polish Association for Computational Mechanics is awarded by the Chapter for outstanding merit in the development of computational mechanics. Congratulations Maciej, we are honored to work with you. All the best for the futureRead more about Nagroda dla Profesora Macieja Pietrzyka[…]
Annual award in Mechanics in 2017
Today we received great news – our colleagues Andrij Milenin, Piotr Kustra and Dorota Byrska-Wójcik were awarded by Polish Association for Computational Mechanics receiving the main annual award in mechanics in 2017. The prize has been awarded for the work Analysis of Microstructure and Damage Evolution in Ultra-Thin Wires of the Magnesium Alloy MgCa0.8 atRead more about Annual award in Mechanics in 2017[…]
MPK testuje urządzenia pomagające niewidomym
The system Ezen.se designed to support blind and sand-blind people is tested by MPK S.A. company providing transport services in Krakow. The system was invented and created by our graduate Rafał Stępień, the chairman of students scientific society Skip, who defended the master thesis supervised by Andrzej Opaliński. Congratulations Rafał, we wish you all theRead more about MPK testuje urządzenia pomagające niewidomym[…]