of Applied Computer Science
and Modelling

27 February 2018

Neuromet 2018

On behalf of the organizers of Neuromet I would like to invite you to participate in 22nd edition of this scientific event, which will be held on 12. April 2018 in Krakow at AGH University of Science and Technology. The main subject of this meeting is application of artificial intelligence in simulations and control ofRead more about Neuromet 2018[…]

7 February 2018

Wyniki 19. edycji konkursu Diamenty AGH

On 30th of January 2018 the results of 19th Edition of “Diamond of AGH” contest have been announced. We are pleased to inform that two master theses submitted by our students Dorota Glazar and Piotr Hajder were awarded, both supervised by Piotr Kustra (results can be found here). Big congrats for Piotr and his students.