Let’s start again – 99th academic year at AGH UST in Cracow begins. Dear students, keep smiling 😀😀😀
General News
VIII Pogórzańskie Atrakcje Naukowe
On 9-10th September colleagues from our department: Andrzej Opalinski, Krzysztof Regulski and Przemysław Marynowski participated in Regional Scientific Event organized in Łużna for schools and families. The main objective of this event was to popularize science for kids and simultaneously to present some scientific achievements of students from scientific group Creative. The movie presenting shortcutsRead more about VIII Pogórzańskie Atrakcje Naukowe[…]
MPK testuje urządzenia pomagające niewidomym
The system Ezen.se designed to support blind and sand-blind people is tested by MPK S.A. company providing transport services in Krakow. The system was invented and created by our graduate Rafał Stępień, the chairman of students scientific society Skip, who defended the master thesis supervised by Andrzej Opaliński. Congratulations Rafał, we wish you all theRead more about MPK testuje urządzenia pomagające niewidomym[…]