Monografia autorstwa Marcina Hojnego została wydana przez wydawnictwo Springer. Serdecznie gratulujemy. Osoby zainteresowane znajdą informację pod linkiem:, a ponizej krótki opis książki.
This monograph presents selected aspects related to the broadly understood modelling of steel deformation both at very high temperatures and in the conditions in which the liquid and the solid phases coexist. Issues of modelling steel deformation with its simultaneous solidification, due to their specificity and complexity, are amongst the most difficult in the metal processing field. With regard to industrial applications and the development of new integrated continuous casting and rolling processes, the issues related to modelling are growing in importance. Numerous industrial tests which are necessary when traditional methods are applied to design the process of continuous casting immediately followed by rolling, are expensive. Therefore the idea has arisen to develop a concept of modelling characterising physical effects occurring during the process of deforming steel with the semi-solid core. Comprehensive tests were applied to solve problems related to the deformation of steel with a semi-solid core. The tests covered both physical tests using specialist laboratory instruments (thermo-mechanical simulator Gleeble 3800, computer tomograph NANOTOM 180N, testing machine Zwick Z250, 3D systems of blue light scanning), and advanced mathematical modelling (finite element method FEM, smoothed particle method SPH, cellular automata method CA). The approach integrating the physical and computer simulation areas with a full or partial information exchange between these areas was the basis for the developed modelling concept of steel deformation in the semi-solid state presented in detail in this monograph.